I was a Year 6 student at Hay Park School in Auckland, NZ. I was in McCahon Class and my teacher was Mrs Kingston. This was where I shared my learning.
Our class had a blog and you can visit it by clicking here.
Thursday, 26 June 2014
Nga Manawa
Hi this is my nga manawa presentaion and my class has been learning about mangrove's there is a mangrove expert came named kennedy he taught as all about the mangroves.
100 World Challenge
...but it was far too hot…
In my world earth... it was a beautiful . it was good to go in the beach because it was hot like fire but when i step on the sand it was hot like the sand was blazing so i ran to the water. it was cold like ice which is good for summer then I saw a button and a sign that said step on the wooden platform and then press the button and I did I pressed the button. and so I fell somewhere it was hell it was far too hot than the hot sand then I fell at the land I couldn't get out I so and I was trap for ever it was my home now.
HI this is my 100 world challenge and the rules are same as the old one but the one we use today is ...but it was far too hot...
Wednesday, 11 June 2014
popplet smart media
hi this is my popplet and this will tell you how do they do the advertisement yummy but when you get it its not the same size
100 World Challenge 11/6/1
Onece upon a time there was 3 builders name dan tdm,cody and joebuz
and dan tdm cody and joebuz was sent to the sweat forest of doom and they found lots of chocolate egg so they run then they hered a large crack and then dan looked he saw a cracked egg cody joebuz and dan gone close to it and investigate it so they checked and stepped so it was a normal cracked egg then they hered a large stomp! they called for a rescue squad and the rescue squad said “ will be there in 30 minutes get to the mountain and then they got away and then some a volcano popped and then everyone died
Hi this is my 100 world challenge it was the as the old one I did but we get different thing to write about the old one was Gateway,cold,running.black,friends.
Thursday, 5 June 2014
My flipping e-book
Hi this is my flipping e-book and I and I used my goal setting template in the my flipping e-book the sight where i done my flipping e-book is flipsnack
100 World Challenge
the 100 world challenge is a contest where you must write a story that has 100 words it must have this five words the words is:Gateway, Cold, Running, Black, Friend.
Once upon a time there was a sacred dark gateway and in the Gate way it dark when I gone to it I took a quick look and it was dark but there was red eyes fiery eyes but one was different to all it had a blue fiery eyes then all eyes turned blue fiery eyes it was creepy so I run back and then I saw someone running and it said “Run Run close the gateway don't look at the fiery blue eyes it will hunt you down”. so I shut it but when I was going to press the button that say off power and lock the gate way a dark hand hold my hand and said “do not close the gateway the one who said to you that we will hunt you down is not true we are dark spirits that has blue fiery eyes we are guardians of darkness but we don't plan to take over the world we plan to protect the village but you must go back home it is a cold night and when i got home when I look up the sky was pitch black like a dark void and i was going to go to my friends house to night.
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