At week 6 term 1 we had been practising how to Wright a great explanation and we wrote a how to survive the first night in minecraft and it was really fun.
Firstly when you spawn you need to harvest trees and then craft it into a wooden plank and then make sticks and a crafting table and then craft a wooden pickaxe and the mine at least 12 cobblestones, then make them into a stone sword,pickaxe,axe,shovel and hoe, Hoe is an item that when you right click on grass it turns into crops and it allows you to place seeds and other food, then find a cave to live in and find coal to make torches to light up areas, when you go in caves have your sword prepared for a fight, the reason to that is because at darkness mobs spawn so be prepared for mobs and block other long areas that lead to more danger then go outside and try to find some sheep and kill 3 to get 3 wool or you can go inside the cave find 2 iron then mine 8 cobblestone and make a furnace then smelt the iron ore(please use wood or planks don't waste you coal but if you don't have wood or planks then just use coal. and then you can go find 2 or 3 sheep then shear them by right clicking.
And also you need 1 leather for the shear ( you have to do this really fast) then go chop 1 tree using your axe then make a bed then when it is night right click at it you will go to the bed automatic and also whenever you die you re spawn there but you drop your items where you die and (zombies can pick it up) but before all that you need to find a pig or cow first and cook its meat at the furnace(food tip: the pig recovers the most hunger in the game) and if you want to skip the night go to your bed and it will turn the moon into a sun instantly.
Many players do that because the zombies,creepers,skeleton,enderman and spider come out to kill you at night(zombies and skeletons die from the sun unless they have helmets and creepers are still aggressive but doesn't get burnt from the sun and spiders turn passive when its is day)and the way to kill them is hit and move back a little and hit them and the way to kill creepers are hit and run but when you start facing skeletons you have to charge at them fast they are very accurate with their bows(tap w two times then hold you'll run and hold space you get more speed and also bigger chance of dodging the arrows) and 1 of the strongest mobs you can come up against is zombies and skeletons there are small chances that zombies and skeletons spawn with armour and weapons skeletons can spawn with armour the zombies can spawn with a sword or a tool and the skeleton can spawn with any armour but it can't change its weapon it can either have an enchanted bow or a normal bow and if you turn the difficulty to hard at your settings the chances will increase that the skeleton and zombie spawns with armour and enchanted weapons.(There is this small chance of facing a spider jockey its a skeleton that rides an spider)(Enchantments Sword: knockback or smite, sharpness or bane of arthropods,fire aspect,looting,durability,Bows:looting infinity,punch,power,flame,tools:efficiency fortune or silk touch and durability Also there is a small chance that mobs drop they weapons and armour and the enchantment called looting increase the rate of the mobs dropping their weapons and armour and dropping more of their own loot)
And other players at night they cover their entrance to their cave and mine through the cave to find resources really fast and in caves is better because your resources are there and you don't need to use too much just too build your house(and also when you live in a cave make sure your volume is on this is important for lava and mobs)and also there are less mobs in caves because there are less space and if there zombies spawning fast there would be a dungeon nearby or a pack of zombies just spawned( dungeon are very rare and dangerous you can find items there and theres spawner's and other people leave a spawner there and they make mob farms to gain experience and items and you use experience for enchantment.
Ad That is how you can survive the first night it minecraft and what odds there are THE END.
ReplyDeleteI really like the way you used nice and good fact in your summary and your next step is to use present tenses.